Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Join The STREET TEAM! - Scranton Senior Photography

what's the STREET TEAM?

to put it simply, you get cash and discounts for your senior pictures in exchange for telling all of your friends about us and bringing them in to have their senior pics done!


we need two 2013 seniors from any and every school to 'rep' us up at their schools


then click the link below and get registered. we'll be finalizing our STREET TEAM very soon for 2013 so you need to get in quick!

also - once you fill out the form then let your friends know that go to other schools so they can get in on the action too! remember - it doesn't matter where you go to school, we want ya to help us out and get paid for it!!!!

okay all rock, we love ya and you're what makes our biz!

hope to hear from ya soon!

fill out my form. it's awesome.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Super! Spectacular! Summer SALE!! - Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Photographer

On two Saturdays in August, the 20th and 27th I am offering half hour mini sessions for only $50, which includes the edited images on a DVD. This is a great time to have the kiddies photographed, so don't miss out! I am only doing 6 per day, so I have 12 total sessions to fill. Tell your friends about this great deal, and contact me today! 570/592/2938

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Cassie + Matt - Scranton Wedding Photographer

Well, my dear friend Cassie was married Saturday to the wonderful Matthew. A great time was had by all who attended, and we wish the lucky couple nothing but happiness! Here's the engagement session I did for the two last fall. Enjoy.